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RED colour




Red colour helps to enhance muscles, strengthen the body, increase blood pressure, accelerate pulse, blood circulation, excretion of adrenaline and hepatic function.



The red colour is a mental stimulant. It is the colour of fire and blood, an expression of life and power. Inextricably is linked with passion, heat and struggle.

The psychological effects of red: strength, vitality, sensuality, comfort, firmness, warmth, confidence, friendship,




If someone likes to dress in red, is impulsive, energetic and short-tempered. Is usually in the spotlight and tend to be the best in everything. Sexual lust and eroticism are important part of life.

If someone does not like to wear red, this may be due to possible rejection, defeat, or to disease.



Red is best for dining rooms as it encourages sociability and liveliness, and affects the apetite (as it stimulates appetite and increases desire for food, it is often used in restaurants). At home, it is suitable for hallways and kitchen. Also for kindergarten's playrooms, school-gyms. It invigorates in rooms where more physical activity. It enriches the room, but it makes it seem visualy smaller. Red colour is not suitable for study rooms, workshops, school classes, offices, waiting rooms in hospitals, and also not suitable for rooms in which we rest and relax, like bedroom.



A person with a red aura shows desire, vigor and vitality. Also strong need for victory, success and for play, activities. It shows love for sport, leadership, courage, strength, competition, fight, eroticism, passion, practicality. Person has a desire for possession, sense of adventure and survival instinct. Most children and adolescents, especially boys, have red aura.



The red colour in Feng Shui is very favorable. It means heat (fire), power, happiness, glory.



To dream something red means joy, fun, animal passion, sexuality and aggression.



It is the most intense and emotional colour. The colour of love. Red dress is more visible, but it also makes a person harder. As a strong colour, it usually does not help in different negotiations and confrontations. Red dress expresses confidence: person who wears it feels seductive and dominant.


Red should be worn by people who suffer from sadness, who are dense and need encouragement, people who want to recover from something, who would like to succeed, achieve their goals, who lack competitive spirit, and those who would want to be sensual and vivid.


Red clothes should be avoided by those with high blood pressure, short-tempered ones and those who are nervous and tense. It is also not recomoended for people who quickly get tired, have chronic fatigue syndrome or suffer from headache.



Red, just like yellow and orange, is a hallmark of uniforms as a symbol of loyalty to the company, synonymous with speed, travel, power, movement, inertia.



Red colour symbolizes enthusiasm, energy, passion, love, desire, speed, strength, warmth, but also aggression, danger, fire, blood, violence.



Red colour stimulates and activates sexual glands, effects beneficial on the spine, blood cells, blood, muscles, improves the function of the adrenal glands, balances the nervous system, helps with poor blood circulation, cold, and loss of sexual potency. Iz also increases heart rate, pressure, and breathing rate. It could be used when treating anemia, asthma, chronic cough, sore throat, damaged circulation.

Red light can help to prevent the formation of scars on the skin after measles and goats.

Red radiation is effective with treatment of anemic children.

The red colour has a beneficial effect on various inflammations, in increasing sexual activity with men and has beneficial effect on severe depression.



In Japan, red is the colour of women, in China it is the colour of happiness (it expels evil forces and spirits) and wealth. The bride is being dressed in a red wedding dress and carried around on a red stretcher to the place of the wedding ceremony. When the couple gets children, others are bringing them red eggs for happiness and well-being of a baby and entire family.

In Korea, the name of deceased is written in red.

In Catholic church it symbolizes blood and fire (Pentecost, Christ's suffering, fests of Martyrs); in Evangelical church red symbolizes martyr's and apostolic fests.

In Oceania, and in certain parts of Central Africa it is a colour of life (patient is rubbed with red okrom to promote life force).

Aborigines in Australia are using red as the colour of earth, for Maori in New Zealand it is the colour of nobility and divinity.

Wearing red ribbons or scarves in some nations is reserved for wedding traditions. Already in Roman times, the bride was wrapped in a bright red pieces of textile. Albanian, Greek and Armenian brides still wear red bridal veil.

In ancient Egypt, red color was valuable and was used for make-up for daughter of Pharaoh (cheek, lips, nails).

The first man, Adam, was created by God from red soil (in Hebrew red is synonim for alive).

Red is the colour of ancient gods: Amon Ra in Egypt, god of war for Romans.

In some parts of Africa (South, Côte d'Ivoire) red is the colour of mourning.



Red is the most intrusive of all and so it has always been associated with danger and the signal for fire protection.



Shades of red: carmine (dark) red (competition, the integrity), magenta (livelines, hostility), magenta (strength, success, self-esteem), orange-red (sensuality, impulsiveness)

Wine, port, Cinnabar, cherry, terracotta, garnet, ruby, claret, flame ...



Red in Russia represents beauty.

In India, red is a symbol for a soldier.

In South Africa, red is the colour of mourning.

"Red-shirts" were soldiers of the Italian leader Garibaldi, who united and founded modern Italy in 19th century.

In Greece, Easter eggs are coloured in red for good luck.

In China, red is the colour of happiness and is used for weddings. Also, with Hindus and Muslims.

For old Romans, red was also a sign of conflict.

In England, telephone booths and double-decker buses are red.

In India, red dot on the forehead of women is bringing good luck.

The Aztecs associated red with blood.

Red amulets, to many cultures, prolong life.

The highest arc in the rainbow is red.

In financial circles, red represents a negative outlook.

Bees can see all the colours except red.

When you blush it means that you feel embarrassed.

A red flag means danger.






Red colour is a warm and positive colour, associated with our physical needs and our will for survival. Exudes a strong and powerful energy.


Meaning of red is mainly energy, passion and action.


It is encouraging colour, as it arouses emotions in us, and motivates us to take action. It promotes ambition and determination. It indicates strong will, movement and perseverance. It gives confidence to those who are timid, shy or they lack some will.


Because of that, red colour awakens our physical life force.


Red is the colour of sexuality and can awaken within us much deeper and more personal passions, such as: on the positive side love and sex, but on the negative side revenge and anger.


Red is often used to express love; although it is much more associated with sexual passion and desire. With this sexual energy it can create life, but, at worst, it expresses anger and aggression, to create wars and destruction.


If we are surrounded by too much red we can simply become irritated, agitated and angry. If the red is insufficient, we can become more cautious, handling and frightened.


Positive features of red are: action, power, speed, clarity and confidence, curiosity, strength, passion, spontaneity, assertiveness, courage.


Negative characteristics of red are: aggression, dominance, anger, cruelty, intolerance, resentment, violence, hatred, brutality.



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