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BLUE colour

Blue is the colour of peace and harmony, the colour of maturity, rationality, precision, capabilities, high values . It is also the colour of trust, honesty and loyalty.


In terms of colour psychology blue is reliable and responsible, and points to internal security and trust.


It is idealistic, improves our self-expression and our ability to communicate which can inspire higher ideals. Wisdom of the blue comes from its higher degree of intelligence, from the spiritual perspective, dedication, religion.


It is conservative and predictable. It is nostalgic: living in the past, joining all the present and future in the experience of the past.


Positive attributes of blue colour are: loyalty, trust, integrity, sensitivity, reliability, responsibility, perseverance, composure, dedication.


Negatives of blue are: stiffness, superstition, conservatism, predictability, cogent, infidelity, mistrust, emotional instability.





It calms heart rate, decreasing breathing rhythm, narrows blood vessels, prevents inflammation, maintains dense bone marrow, soothes and calms the pain. Blue can be emotional sedative.



Blue is the colour of deep ice. Emotionally, we associate it with the cold long space and its infinity. Therefore, blue effects mind, just as a red effects feelings.

Psychological effects of blue: relaxation, purification, coldness, wisdom, tranquility, sensuality, peace, trust, loyalty, flexibility.



If you dress in light blue colour you are sensitive, creative and receptive. You are practical and have well-developed imagination.

If you like to dress in dark blue colour, you are smart and confident. You want to be surrounded with love, tenderness and affection, but you also need peace and tranquility.

If you do not like to wear blue, you are probably affraid of failure, of losing money, social and professional status.

If you do not like dark blue you probably have experience with deception and infidelity, with disappointment or with loss of confidence.



Blue is suitable for bedrooms, bathrooms, working rooms and others that are ment forrest or relaxation. It creates a cool and airy space. Not suitable for dining rooms, lounges, gym or recreations, basements.



Blue aura means dedication, loyalty, trust, compassion, the desire for communication and deep feelings. A person with blue aura gives great importance to personal relations. May also be a dreamer or have artistic abilities. It can be emotionally sensitive, instinctive. Person prefers the solitude, is non-competitive, internally focused, responsive. Has a desire for love, peace, unity and friendship with others. Blue aura is also a sign of enormous wisdom. This includes a lot of poets, writers, artists, musicians, philosophers.



The blue colour in Feng Shui has a double meaning. On the one hand it is connected to the wood and so has the importance of the new growth and spring. It represents the confidence and security. It means finding new, the unknown. It can be used to create a mysterious atmosphere.

On the other hand, the Chinese associate it with mourning.



Blue colour in the dream represents spirituality, philosophy, religion, art and culture.



Blue is the colour of ocean, sky. It is the most popular colour. It is quiet, calming, but also cold and depressing, causing the body to cool. It is recommended for job interviews for, because it symbolizes loyalty.

Blue clothes should be worn by people who suffer from mental fatigue and those who need peace and relaxation. It encourages decision making, brings understanding, wisdom, and strengthens self-confidence and sense of responsibility to others.

Avoid it if you are melancholic, depressed, nervous.



The blue colour is, a hallmark of uniforms as a symbol of loyalty to the company, synonymous with loyalty, trust, cleanliness, care, authoritativeness, healing.



The blue colour symbolizes coolness, calmness, stability, unity, harmony, trust, truth, security, cleanliness, order, loyalty, conservatism, sky, water.




Blue stimulates the throat and thyroid gland, calms the mind and nerves, has beneficial effects on the respiratory system. It helps with toothache, inflammation of the eyes and throat, itching, and insect bites, insomnia. It soothes menstrual pain, helps with burns, chicken pox, diarrhea, epilepsy, hysteria, gonorrhea, polio, headaches, whooping cough, skin, kidney disease, rheumatism.

Blue light is radiated to skin when treating jaundice.

Under the influence of the blue light also neuralgia can be treated.



In India, gods are painted with blue heads and blue colour of the skin (eg. An elephant painted in blue stands as a sign of the highest spiritualization and divine enlightenment).

In the Oriental provinces, doors and windows are painted in blue to attract good spirits and gods. From this also originates the custom about babies that are supposed to be wrapped in blue textille. This tradition of patriarchy extended only to boys.

Virgin Mary is offten adorned with royal blue cape and thereby embodies calmness, loyalty, tradition.

In ancient Egypt dark blue colour represented water, and thus life. Egyptians wore blue jewelry because it was believed that blue had a healing power.

In China blue symbolizes immortality and heavenly forces.

In Iran, it symbolizes immortality and spirituality, holiness in Israel, and in South Africa happiness.

Blue, in Roman mythology, is associated with Jupiter and Mercury.

In the Old Testament God is shown in dark blue colour.

In Islam, the blue and turquoise are used for decorating mosques, as both of the colors represent faith and community.

Blue is the safest and most positive color that symbolizes trust, so it is used by many banks.



The blue colour is a safety signal to "Watch out!" It is used for marking useless scaffolding and machinery parts that are out of service. It serves as the basis for various illicit tables with.



Shades of blue are: azure or sky blue (nobility, extroversion), Ice Blue (aesthetics, traditionality), pastel blue (gentle, sentimental), Navy (fidelity, reliability, trust), dark blue (values ​​affiliation), indigo, Ultramarine (altruism, affection)

turquoise, slate, young topaz, aquamarine, cyan blue, blueberries, cornflower, hyacinth, campanula, sapphire ...




In Iran, blue is the colour of mourning.

Pharaohs in ancient Egypt wore blue for protection against evil.

Blue blood means royal roots.

Blue is believed to protect against witches.

Even in ancient Rome, public officials wore blue


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