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BLACK colour




Black colour means rest, physical darkness.



When someone likes to dress in black, indicates having a strong will, rigid attitudes and discipline. Probably they lack self-confidence or have to become mature. An so, can hide underneath black to hide from the outside world. Otherwise, black cloting means denial, denying everything. If a black clothing is worn only at special occasions, it shows authoritative person who wish to make an impression on others.

If person does not like to wear black, has a desire to control and is not willing to give up personal power.



Black colour in the apartment looks gloomy and stifling, so you have to be careful when using it. It is suitable for certain additives and the enrichment of smaller areas.



Black or any other dark colour in Feng Shui, can give a sense of depth in both: human mood, as in his perspective. It may indicate some lack of hope, loneliness and depression.



Black colour dreams represents fear, anxiety, negativity, hatred, resentment, guilt, depression.



Black is the colour of power and authority. In fashion, it is very popular because it makes people optically thinner. It is elegant and timeless. It can also suggest subordination, obedience or even enslavement (eg. the priests wear black clothes to be submitted to God. Women in black dress are subordinate to men).



Black colour symbolizes power, sexuality, sophistication, formality, elegance, wealth, mystery, fear, evil, sadness, anger, anonymity, grief.



Black, in most Western countries, is the colour of death and mourning.

In Thailand and Tibet, black is the colour of evil and disaster.

In New Zealand black is the national colour, with the Aboriginal, it is the colour of people.



With the ancient Egyptians and Romans, the black was colour of mourning.

Black is often the colour of secrets and mysteries.

A person who has "a black heart" is evil.

If bussiness is in the black, it means it is doing well and brings in some money.

The ancient Egyptians believed that black cats posessed divine power.

Black Sheep is an outcast.

Blacklist is a list of people or organizations which are punished or boycotted.

Black market stands for illegal trafficking in goods or money.

Experts in karate are wearing black belts.

Black flag in car racing means that the driver needs to drive into the boxes.


Black is the colour of mystery and the unknown, the colour of protection.


In the psychology of colours, black means protection against external emotional stress. It provides comfort while protecting own feelings and emotions and also hiddens own weaknesses, insecurity and lack of confidence. It also means power and control, discipline, independence and strong will. Due to its´ power, black is intimidating, unfriendly and unapproachable. It exudes authority and creates fear in the process. Black color is a mixture of all colours with lack of light. Black hides, while white reveals.


The black colour absorbs negative energy, so it protects us from harmfull and negative things in normal daily activities outside the home.


All of us can use black when trying to hide something, at different times, from the outside world, for example. our weight, feelings, fears, uncertainty.


People who like black can be conventional, conservative and serious, but can think about themselves that are refined and dignified.


Wealthy and successful women often choose black, because they want to give the impression of elegance, sophistication and confidence. Women, when seducing, often choose sexy black lingerie to create a touch of mystery and intrigue.


Black can also mean the subordination of someone, like priests in black suits are showing their subordination to God.


For teenagers, it is common to wear black at the stage of transition from the innocence of childhood to adulthood. They have a psychological need to do so, because they are closing one part of their lives and starting another. Black colour allows them to be hidden from the world until they discover their own identity and their place in society. It is important for them to pass through that stage.


Too much black can cause depression and mood swinging and can create a negative environment.


Positive features of black colour are: protection, comfort, power, formality, mystery.


The negatives of black are: listlessness, depression, pessimism, reluctance, conservatism, control, unfortune, negativity.




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